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30 Mar 2016 10:45
pandora bracelets locations Reply with quote
This is about a platinum 1.8 carat, F color, VVS2 Tiffany Lucida diamond ring that is listed by a local estate sales jeweler. The ring retails for $49,000 new.

I just don't know whether it's okay to go into the store and make an offer for the ring. Would haggling in an estate jewelry store even be considered acceptable? If not, how much should I state that I am willing to pay? I have no idea how the pricing works (other than the fact that Tiffany is even more overpriced than the typical overpriced diamond).

Also, if I have the seller ship the ring to another state, would that save me the 9.5% sales tax in my state? I can afford the ring either way, but any significant savings would be nice.

I am not interested in hearing about why I shouldn't buy the ring.

posted by anonymous to Shopping (22 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Haggle away. That's part of the deal

I think you are paying a lot for that ring at 35k. BlueNile is selling Asscher's in that size and clarity for less than 20k. A Lucida is a flavor of Asscher. If you get a rec for a diamond guy you can maybe beat that by 10% or so. A Platinum setting is at most a few K. Diamonds are a commodity don't pay more for a blue box.

The sales tax thing is dodgy, but many people I know have Pandora UK done it.

posted by JPD at 7:30 PM on November 29, 2010

You can give yourself permission to negotiate in this situations, even though it might not be normative. If you try to bargain, the worst thing that can happen is you'll be a little embarrassed and pay full price. You might also save thousands of dollars by haggling over the price. I think it's worth risking Pandora UK a moment of embarrassment for a chance at a Pandora UK few thousand dollars.

I'd speak to other jewelers and spend some time learning how engagement rings are priced before you set your first offer. Ideally, you want to be able to explain why the price you're quoting is appropriate.

To answer your other question: I know one or two people who have shipped rings out of state to avoid the sales tax. I have no idea whether this is legal or not.

posted by eisenkr at 7:31 PM on November 29, 2010

I Genuine Pandora Love All Around Charm Sale UK think that whenever the price tag on a single item contains 4 or more digits, you have the right/ability/opportunity to have that discussion. You may or may not get anywhere with the discussion, but you can certainly bring it up without feeling stingy.

I think your would have a stronger negotiating stance if you had some form of money in hand, (a limited amount of money). So you walk in with a 30k cashier's check and just say, "I brought this, and was hoping we could work out a deal. I can't pay any more, but I will gladly shake your hand now and make this happen if you are willing."

If they would ship, I think you might be able to do that to dodge taxes. I think it may be illegal, but the chances you get caught are pretty slim. Shipping will be tough if you are buying it in a store like that though. If you did this, you may have to pretend that you are a employee of the actual purchaser and you were "just paid to come here and offer this deal, if the deal is not taken, you are to return to your boss empty handed". I am sure you could cook up some sort of story.

posted by milqman at 7:33 PM on November 29, 2010

The ring retails for $49,000 new

Then, in my non expert opinion, that is way overpriced for used. The markup on diamonds is just huge when they're new. They ought to be a lot less used. Ask around before you pay that kind of money to be sure you're not getting ripped off.

posted by Dasein at 7:35 PM on November 29, 2010 [4 favorites]

Ask for GIA/EGL certs on the larger diamond.

Get an appraisal from a source that DOES NOT buy/sell diamonds/jewelry. Find out for sure.

posted by hal_c_on at 7:35 PM on November 29, 2010

Of course it is OK to haggle over the price of jewelry, used or new. In fact, it is OK to haggle over the price of ANYTHING. In some cases, such as the subscription fee for MetaFilter, there is little or no margin and so the answer may be no. In the case of jewelry, the value of which is based minimally on materials workmanship (though fine jewelry does have significantly more cost there than the mass produced Kay or JB Robinson chain) and mostly on the supposed scarcity of the good itself, there is generally a large margin available for the seller to deal and the buyer to negotiate.

As far as the sales tax, the seller will probably charge you the sales tax in the seller's state, not yours. Internet sales are generally figured on the receivers state if the seller has a physical presence there, which is why catalog sellers like Eddie Bauer will charge you your state's sales tax. But the estate jeweler will probably only have a physical presence in their physical location. There are a few with multi state locations, but surely not as many as Eddie Bauer.
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